
IPTV Nordic

How to settup
Fire Stick

If your tv is old, and no option to instal apps, you can get a Fire Stick, to turn your TV in Smart TV. Its cheap option and works great.

But How to instal Apps in Fire Stick?

Step 1: authorize apps from unknown sources

Before installing a third-party application, you must activate applications from unknown sources. Follow the steps below to activate it:

1: Go to the “Settings” in Amazon Firestick.
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2: Under the “Settings“, Click on the button “My Fire TV“.

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3: You will find the button “Developer options”. Click on it.

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4: Now click on “Applications from unknown sources».

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Applications from unknown sourcesTurn Onthen “OK
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Step 2: install the downloader application

To install third-party applications, you need a tool to download the application. The Downloader app is very popular for Firestick sideloading apps.

1: Go to the Settings tab on the Amazon Fire TV Stick.

2: Search “Downloader”And click on the suggestions.
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3: The downloader app appears along with another relevant app. Click on the download application.

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4: Now click on the button “Download”. The application will be downloaded and installed automatically.


5: Click on “OpenTo launch the installed application.


Step 3: install Apps in firestick

1: Open the Downloader application.

Flix App: http://flixiptv.cc/flix.apk

3: Once downloaded, it will go to the installation page. Click “Install”. And click “Open” once the application is installed.
Click here for guide how to settup IPTV Smarters pro 
Click here for guide how to settup Flix App
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